How to find the top most hierarchy in redisgraph since NOT, IS keywords are not supported yet

How to find the top most hierarchy in redisgraph since NOT, IS keywords are not supported yet. In normal cypher query language we can do this as below.

MATCH (n:Child) WHERE NOT (n)-[:PARENT]->() RETURN (n);

But NOT keyword is not supported in redisgraph as of now.

This topic is part of stackoverflow question, hoping to find a solution.


If I understand correctly, you’re looking to find all nodes of type Child that do not have an outgoing edge of type :PARENT
In which case, currently I don’t see how you can achieve this with the subset of OpenCypher we have, a quick and easy solution might be introducing a new OUT_DEGREE function which will return the number of outgoing edges from a given node, then you’ll be able to filter on OUT_DEGREE(n, “PARENT”) = 0

Thanks - useful information.