RedisEdge security and deployment patterns

Hello all,

My assumption that RedisEdge is deployed on “Edge” - customer/consume controlled device and outside of the traditional fence of datacentre/corporate network.
What is the existing security pattern for RedisEdge with Redis Edge deployed outside of the controlled environment, but connected to the Redis Cluster inside controlled/secured/firewalled perimeter?
For example, I would like to deploy RedisEdge alongside or together with Electron-based app and maintain good offline UX while using large Redis Cluster for processing.

The Redis part of RedisEdge provides all the Redis 6 security capabilities. In the scenario you’re describing, you might consider taking advantage of Redis 6 ACLs to limit access both to commands and keys.

With Redis Edge, businesses can focus on information instead of managing data. developers can configure solutions through containers which are monitored from the cloud.

the developer can focus exclusively on their applications, while the partners take care of the data services and platforms with their respective providers.