Upgrades to Redis Streams

Hi everyone,

Will there be any improvement for Redis Streams?

Are you looking for any specific improvement in Redis Streams? As per Redis release notes, there are few fixes and improvements are mentioned:

Redis 6.0.0 GA Released Thu Apr 30 14:55:02 CEST 2020

  • XINFO STREAM FULL, a new subcommand to get the whole stream state.

Redis 6.0 RC2 Released Thu Mar 05 15:40:53 CET 2020

  • Different fixes to streams in edge cases.
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@JRedis2020 - what improvements are you expecting? are there use-cases and/or problems that you’re unable to solve with the current feature-set?

RedisStream is an abstract data type represented in memory, what it does is implement more powerful operations to overcome log file limits.

That makes?

makes redis streams the most complex type, despite the fact that the data structure is quite simple.

This does a set of operations that blocks and in turn allows consumers to wait for products to add new data to a flow.

Maybe it is not an update opinion but it is an idea of ​​what we can do using Stream and in turn it can clear up certain doubts in the forum.

I was reading the documentation a few days ago, RedisStream allows you to create applications similar to Kafka.

with this you can:

  1. Create applications that publish and consume messages. although this is new to us since you could also do it with Redis Pub / Sub.
  2. Consume messages that are published even when the client application is not running, here if there is a big difference with Redis Pub / Sub.
  3. Consume messages starting from a specific point.

Apart from this RedisStream also has the same concept of consumer groups. RedisStream Consumer Groups allow client applications to consume messages in a distributed manner, making it easy to expand and build highly available systems.