Labels on samples on time series

I am new to RedisTimeSeries. I am trying to figure out how metadata works on keys and then samples. I did not find really good documentation, so decided to ask here.

  • Are labels on keys and samples related or independent?
  • How can I use these labels e.g. in a search - as I assume this is the use case?

Looking documentation here.

Hello @miohtama. Since this post you asked questions in the Redis Data Source repository (GitHub - RedisGrafana/grafana-redis-datasource: Redis Data Source for Grafana) and I hope you found all the answers.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

@miohtama To clarify, you can’t add labels on samples. The LABELS used in TS.ADD command is used only when the key doesn’t exists, these labels are representing the keys not samples.

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Thank you Danni and Mikhail for helping me out. I hope to work to improve RedisTimeSeries documentation a bit where I can this. This is an awesome project.